Flores, Jr., L. E., Bonfils, K. A., Bledsoe, S. E., & Novick, D. M. (2024). IPT training in graduate and residency programs in the U.S. In M. Weissman, & J. Mootz (Eds.), Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Global Reach (pp. 147-158). Oxford Press.
Ravitz, P., Flores, Jr., L.E., Novick, D. M., Watson, P., Weerasekera, P., & Swartz, H. A. (2024). At-a-glance: Consensus guideline recommended psychological therapy treatments for adults with psychiatric disorders. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 77(2), 79-87.
Gupta, T., Eckstrand, K.L., Lenniger, C.J., Haas, G.L., Silk, J.S., Ryan, N.D., Phillips, M.L., Flores Jr., L.E., Pizzagalli, D.A., Forbes, E.E. (2024). Anhedonia in adolescents at transdiagnostic familial risk for severe mental illness: Clustering by symptoms and mechanisms of associations with behavior. Journal of Affective Disorders, 346, 249-261.
Tassone, D., Guavin, S. E. M., Flores, Jr., L. E., & Pukall, C. F. (2023). “It happens to everyone” vs. “You’re not a real man”: The relationship between intimate communication and men’s sexual difficulties. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 49(8), 869-885.
Chow, P. I., Berenbaum, H., Boden, M. T., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2023). All for one or one for all? Examining a parsing of emotion that is informed by lay people’s values. Motivation and Emotion, 47, 333-346.
Eckstrand, K. L., Silk J. S., Nance, M., Wallace, M .L., Buckley, N., Lindenmuth, M., Flores, Jr., L. E., Alarcón G., Quevedo, K., Phillips, M. L., Lenniger, C. L., Sammon, M., Brostowin, A., Ryan, N., Jones, N., & Forbes E. E. (2022). Medial prefrontal cortex activity to reward outcome moderates the influence of sexual orientation victimization on depression in youth. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 7(12), 1289-1297.
Flores, Jr., L. E., Alarcón, G., Eckstrand, K. L., Lindenmuth, M., & Forbes, E. E. (2022). Interpersonal context and desired emotional closeness in neural response to negative visual stimuli: Preliminary findings. Brain and Behavior, e2438.
Eckstrand, K. L., Flores, Jr., L. E., Cross, M., Silk, J., Allen, N. B., Healey, K., Marshal, M. P., & Forbes, E. E. (2019). Social and non-social reward processing and depressive symptoms among sexual minority adolescents. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 209.
Berenbaum, H., Huang, A. B., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2019). Contentment and tranquility: Exploring their similarities and differences. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 14(2), 252-259.
Flores, Jr., L. E., Eckstrand, K. L., Silk, J. S., Allen, N. B., Ambrosia, M., Healey, K. L., & Forbes, E. E. (2018). Adolescents’ neural response to social reward and real-world emotional closeness and positive affect. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18(4), 705-717.
Berenbaum, H., Chow, P. I., Flores Jr, L. E., Schoenleber, M., Thompson, R. J., & Most, S. B. (2018). A test of the initiation–termination model of worry. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 9(1), 1-15.
Flores, Jr., L. E., Cyranowski, J. M., Amole, M., & Swartz, H. A. (2017). Prospective assessment of social network quality among depressed mothers treated with brief psychotherapy: Validation of the Social Network Quality (SNQ) scales. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 78, 98-106.
Flores, Jr., L. E., & Berenbaum, H. (2017). The social regulation of emotion and updating negative contents of working memory. Emotion, 17(4), 577-588.
Flores, Jr., L. E., & Berenbaum, H. (2017). The effect of the social regulation of emotion on emotional long-term memory. Emotion, 17(3), 547-556.
Berenbaum, H., Chow, P. I., Schoenleber, M., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2016). Personality and pleasurable emotions. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 400-406.
Chow, P. I., Berenbaum, H., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2015). Examining the temporal and contextual stability of perceptions of emotional utility. Cognition & Emotion, 29(7), 1224-1238.
Flores, Jr., L .E., & Berenbaum, H. (2014). Desired emotional closeness moderates the prospective relations between levels of perceived emotional closeness and psychological distress. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33(8), 673-700.
Chow, P. I., Berenbaum, H., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2013). The role of perceived utility of emotion in interpersonal sensitivity and depression. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 32(8), 859-877.
Chow, P. I., Berenbaum, H., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2013). Is energy expenditure in emotion regulation dependent on individual differences and the specific emotion in question? Motivation and Emotion, 37(4), 758-764.
Berenbaum, H., Chow, P. I., Schoenleber, M., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2013). Pleasurable emotions, age, and life satisfaction. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 8(2), 140-143.
Flores, Jr., L. E., & Berenbaum, H. (2012). Desire for emotional closeness moderates the effectiveness of the social regulation of emotion. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(8), 952-957.
Aarons, G. A., Fettes, D. L., Flores, Jr., L. E. & Sommerfeld, D. H. (2009). Evidence-based practice implementation and staff emotional exhaustion in children’s services. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(11), 954-960.
Ravitz, P., Flores, Jr., L.E., Novick, D. M., Watson, P., Weerasekera, P., & Swartz, H. A. (2024). At-a-glance: Consensus guideline recommended psychological therapy treatments for adults with psychiatric disorders. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 77(2), 79-87.
Gupta, T., Eckstrand, K.L., Lenniger, C.J., Haas, G.L., Silk, J.S., Ryan, N.D., Phillips, M.L., Flores Jr., L.E., Pizzagalli, D.A., Forbes, E.E. (2024). Anhedonia in adolescents at transdiagnostic familial risk for severe mental illness: Clustering by symptoms and mechanisms of associations with behavior. Journal of Affective Disorders, 346, 249-261.
Tassone, D., Guavin, S. E. M., Flores, Jr., L. E., & Pukall, C. F. (2023). “It happens to everyone” vs. “You’re not a real man”: The relationship between intimate communication and men’s sexual difficulties. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 49(8), 869-885.
Chow, P. I., Berenbaum, H., Boden, M. T., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2023). All for one or one for all? Examining a parsing of emotion that is informed by lay people’s values. Motivation and Emotion, 47, 333-346.
Eckstrand, K. L., Silk J. S., Nance, M., Wallace, M .L., Buckley, N., Lindenmuth, M., Flores, Jr., L. E., Alarcón G., Quevedo, K., Phillips, M. L., Lenniger, C. L., Sammon, M., Brostowin, A., Ryan, N., Jones, N., & Forbes E. E. (2022). Medial prefrontal cortex activity to reward outcome moderates the influence of sexual orientation victimization on depression in youth. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 7(12), 1289-1297.
Flores, Jr., L. E., Alarcón, G., Eckstrand, K. L., Lindenmuth, M., & Forbes, E. E. (2022). Interpersonal context and desired emotional closeness in neural response to negative visual stimuli: Preliminary findings. Brain and Behavior, e2438.
Eckstrand, K. L., Flores, Jr., L. E., Cross, M., Silk, J., Allen, N. B., Healey, K., Marshal, M. P., & Forbes, E. E. (2019). Social and non-social reward processing and depressive symptoms among sexual minority adolescents. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 209.
Berenbaum, H., Huang, A. B., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2019). Contentment and tranquility: Exploring their similarities and differences. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 14(2), 252-259.
Flores, Jr., L. E., Eckstrand, K. L., Silk, J. S., Allen, N. B., Ambrosia, M., Healey, K. L., & Forbes, E. E. (2018). Adolescents’ neural response to social reward and real-world emotional closeness and positive affect. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18(4), 705-717.
Berenbaum, H., Chow, P. I., Flores Jr, L. E., Schoenleber, M., Thompson, R. J., & Most, S. B. (2018). A test of the initiation–termination model of worry. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 9(1), 1-15.
Flores, Jr., L. E., Cyranowski, J. M., Amole, M., & Swartz, H. A. (2017). Prospective assessment of social network quality among depressed mothers treated with brief psychotherapy: Validation of the Social Network Quality (SNQ) scales. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 78, 98-106.
Flores, Jr., L. E., & Berenbaum, H. (2017). The social regulation of emotion and updating negative contents of working memory. Emotion, 17(4), 577-588.
Flores, Jr., L. E., & Berenbaum, H. (2017). The effect of the social regulation of emotion on emotional long-term memory. Emotion, 17(3), 547-556.
Berenbaum, H., Chow, P. I., Schoenleber, M., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2016). Personality and pleasurable emotions. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 400-406.
Chow, P. I., Berenbaum, H., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2015). Examining the temporal and contextual stability of perceptions of emotional utility. Cognition & Emotion, 29(7), 1224-1238.
Flores, Jr., L .E., & Berenbaum, H. (2014). Desired emotional closeness moderates the prospective relations between levels of perceived emotional closeness and psychological distress. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33(8), 673-700.
Chow, P. I., Berenbaum, H., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2013). The role of perceived utility of emotion in interpersonal sensitivity and depression. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 32(8), 859-877.
Chow, P. I., Berenbaum, H., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2013). Is energy expenditure in emotion regulation dependent on individual differences and the specific emotion in question? Motivation and Emotion, 37(4), 758-764.
Berenbaum, H., Chow, P. I., Schoenleber, M., & Flores, Jr., L. E. (2013). Pleasurable emotions, age, and life satisfaction. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 8(2), 140-143.
Flores, Jr., L. E., & Berenbaum, H. (2012). Desire for emotional closeness moderates the effectiveness of the social regulation of emotion. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(8), 952-957.
Aarons, G. A., Fettes, D. L., Flores, Jr., L. E. & Sommerfeld, D. H. (2009). Evidence-based practice implementation and staff emotional exhaustion in children’s services. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(11), 954-960.